A resource for students of Community Education Lewisham, and a showcase of some of their published work. Copyright of all images exclusively retained by individual students of CEL.


Autumn Term 08. Week 3. Silhouette Project.

This project is intended to make students familar with photographic metering. measuring the light in different parts of the image to increase or reduce detail where necessary.
In the case of these images, the desired effect was a correctly exposed sky, with a bold, black form in the foreground.
Students used a 'centre weighted' or 'Spot' metering setting.
The desired effect was achieved by placing the centre of the viewfinder on the brightest part of the sky, half-depressing the shutter, and recomposing before capture.
This is the first part of a 3 part project which culminates in the use of basic Photoshop composition techniques.

Silhouette Project 1

Silhouette Project 2

Silhouette Project  5





margaret 01

margaret 02

margaret 04

jan 1

Jan 2

Jan 3

jan 4


Pearline 2

Pearline 1

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